Advanced Case Study Training in Elderly Welfare – with Reference to the Use of ICT and University Collaborated CCRCs
Program date _2022/3/4
Lecturer  /   [Dr. Haitao Lei] ,Dean of Graduate Division
Number of participants  /  11
University  /  Beijing Hospitality Institute
Major  /  Hospitality Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Health Service and Management

The aging rate (the percentage of the total population that is 65 years of age or older) in the world is expected to increase rapidly over the next half century. Coping with this aging society is one of the inevitable challenges in achieving the goals set forth in the SDGs. In Japan, which currently has the highest aging rate in the world, there are many cutting-edge examples of how to deal with this issue. Among them, JFOU offers a graduate degree program in gerontology and conducts research on various issues specific to an aging society from a variety of perspectives. By inviting students from overseas through this program, we would like to provide an opportunity to share current case studies and to provide opportunities to solve issues for the future.


